The book I read was titled Catalyst written by Laurie
Halse Anderson. She is also the author of the books “Speak”, “Wintergirls”, and
“Chains”. The story is about a senior in high school named Kate who is waiting
to hear back from MIT college to see whether she has been accepted or not. MIT
was Kate’s choice college, because it was were her Mother had went before she
passed away. Kate struggles with communicating with her Dad, because he is a
preacher, but surprisingly Kate doesn’t see herself as being very religious at
all. She is also having some relationship issues and at this point has us all
wondering how she plans to get out of these “sticky situations”
After awhile Kate finds out she has not gotten into MIT and she
didn’t bother to apply anywhere else! To make matters worse the Litch family
who lives down the hill`s house catches on fire and Teri and Mickey Litch are
forced to stay with Kate and her family. This would not be so bad, but Kate
cannot stand Teri. She is always getting in to trouble, she fights boys at
school, and she is exactly the person Kate can see getting sent to jail. As the
book intensifies she ends up working things out with her boyfriend and she even
starts to not half mind Teri, but when it comes to the little boy Mickey she
thinks he is one of the sweetest little boys. Kate`s father soon finds she has
applied to no backup colleges and they must discuss what she is planning to do,
Kate`s bond with her father becomes stronger as she learns to relies on him and
be happy. Close to the end is a real shocker, one of the characters ends up
dead while everyone is busy rebuilding the Litch`s house and with this loss
it’s hard for many of the characters to see a way to cope with it. It turns out
that all of the characters learn an important lesson, to be thankful for what
they have. Kate also learns another important lesson. That lesson is that you
can not always judge people from what you see on the outside or “Don’t judge a
book by its cover”, which we all often do.
Personally I thought this book had its “boring points”, but
I also enjoyed the read. I think the reader conveyed an important message not
only about people, but the other helpful message that when it comes to college
you must be prepared. I would say this book was okay, I think the middle of the
book captured me more than the beginning and to really want to read something I
like to be hooked in from the beginning. It was however an okay book, I just
don’t think it was exactly the book for me. I would recommend you reading this
if you enjoy inspirational novels, however at the end the book could probably
also be categorized as a tragedy.
Book Review by Liz Z.
I agree this book did have its "Boring Parts" but other parts were kind of interesting to read. I would not recommend this book to anyone who is looking for a higher level of reading. The book was a very easy read. If you are looking for a just a easy book to read for fun, this would be the book. Personally I did not enjoy this book. I struggled continuing reading due to lack of interest.