Friday, May 22, 2015


Twilight by Stephen Meyer. She has written three other books in this series; New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. The book New Moon isn't as good but Eclipse and Breaking Dawn are the best books in the series. The story is about a shy teenage girl who falls in love with a vampire. This book's theme could fall under romance, action and teen drama.
This book is about a relationship between a shy teenage girl and a vampire; and the troubles that come with dating a vampire. Like for example he wants to suck her blood out of her body but can't because he loves her. Also she has to learn to be aware that he is dangerous, keep his secret and trust him. Some of the characters are Bella, Edward, Jacob, Alice and Carlisle.
I would recommend this book to some people; it is definitely not for everyone. I would recommend it to people who like romance with action. I would rate it a 4 out of ten because it is not my type of book, but I kept on reading and i enjoyed Eclipse and Breaking dawn the most(Eclipse is the 3rd in the series and Breaking Dawn is the last one in the series). I would read this if you are interested in it when you have no other books to read.

Book Review by Jackson B.


  1. I would not like to read this book because I have seen all the movies: Twilight, New Moon Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn part 1 and 2. Although I enjoyed the movies I feel that the book would ruin he movie being too predictable, be too redundant, and too boring since I have already seen the movies. I find it hard to watch movies then read the books after and vise versa.
    Marie Goodwin Block 1

  2. I would like to read this book because i have seen all the movies and i would like to compare the books and the movies. People that i know that has read the book has told me the book has more detail, the book is better so i would like to make my own judgements on the books vs the movies. To me, I believe the movies will be better than the books but i don't know that because i haven't read the books that's why i haven't read the books but that's just my own personal opinion. i will try to read the books when i don't have anything else to read.
    Mercedes Thomas Block 5
