Friday, May 29, 2015

House of Hades

Heroes of Olympus: House of Hades, is a fiction book based off Greek mythology by Rick Riordan; the fourth book in the Heroes of Olympus series. This book focuses on the first person viewpoints of Seven different heroes; these heroes being half human and half gods, called half-bloods. The heroes are trying to seal the doors because if they don't then nobody will die which is causing chaos, mayhem, and destruction. This is one of the most action packed and exciting books I've ever read. 

Rick Riordan uses the first person viewpoints for seven characters yet manages to mix all of these into one coherent story that makes sense. Each of the seven main heroes get their respective spotlight and time to shine. You're going to become attached to at least one of the characters along the way. Their adventures to save the Earth from evil forces coming out of the Underworld is told intriguingly, interestingly, and coherently. It all makes sense and comes together at the end and will leave you satisfied. 

I would recommend this book to people who like Greek Mythology or fiction books in general. Rick Riordan does an amazing job mixing in seven different viewpoints and tying in a story that spans five different books throughout multiple years. The story and characters are awesome and it has a lot of humor in it. This is a great read and you should add it to your summer reading list. 

Book Review by Nasir M.

1 comment:

  1. This book sounds very interesting to me! I would love to read this book because it has many interesting and fun characters in it. This reminds me of some other fiction books I have read that I greatly enjoyed. Also I want to learn more about the Greek Gods and what they do. I will definitely read this book if I get the chance too, thank you for recommending it.
