Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

The author of this novel is Douglas Adams, sci-fi writer extraordinare!  He has written four other books, each one more confusing than the last.  Each one follows up from his first novel.  Arthur Dent—the main character—has just lost his house, found out that his best friend is an alien, and has been pushed into an inter-galactic adventure.

Earth has been demolished, destroyed, blown-up, vaporized!  “What for?”  you may ask.  To make room for an inter-galactic by-pass, that’s why.  But not to fear, two humans have been spared from this tragedy.  One is the main character, Englishman Arthur Dent, saved accidentally by inter-galactic President, Zaphod Beeblebrox.  The other human survivor who happened to be traveling with Beeblebrox is a woman named Trillian.  Together they travel together to a mysterious planet.  Why do they do this?  Because they can—that’s why.

The tale itself is wacky.  The plot went missing awhile ago, and is probably holding the story’s common sense for ransom.  The novel is extremely hard to follow, but is really funny and is worth quite a few laughs.  If you are looking for a book to pass the time with—this is the book for you.

Book Review by Morgan D.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with this book review for many reasons. For one, the story was extremely hard to follow because of the lack of a plot in to book itself. The book just kind of spirals out of control into nothingness and leaves the reader wondering what in the world is really going on. However, this book review isn’t very in depth and I’m not sure what else there is to be said. If I were to expand to this review I would talk about all of the random people who were out to kill Arthur, Ford and the rest of the crew. Because throughout the book there are so many aliens that want these characters dead for no reason whatsoever.
