I chose the book The Gun written by Paul Langan. I have read
another book in his series. His series are about African American life. The
series is called The Bluford Series. A few book titles are The Fallen, The Guy,
and The Bully. This book could help you with real life situations. It can help
you to stand up for yourself. I think the main message the author is trying to
get across is that you can stand up for yourself also that you’re not the only
one with feelings it try’s to show you that everyone wants to be treated well.
I thought this book was good because of the lesson in the end of the book. It
also shows how people can change for the good an even people who use violence
first have a soft side and can be nice.
Tryray liked to solve his problems with violence. Tryray
would steel money from other students, beat them, and mentally bully them.
Tryray liked the feeling of being powerful. He had the reputation of being a
bully. Darrel Mercer was the new kid Tryray started to bully. Darrel didn’t
take the bulling and actually fought back and stood up for him. Tryray never
had someone fight back, he though the only way to fight back with someone that
fought back with him was to use a gun.
This book is actually very realistic because Tryray bought
the gun and people do sell guns to minors in real life. Some people feel that
they can only fight back with a weapon. In this book that’s how Tryray fells,
he thinks that he needs to kill Darrel because Darrel proved to Tryray that
he’s not the only one that can fight. I would recommend reading this book
because it has a great life lesson in throughout the book. The book could
really happen in real life also if you’re going through bulling you can learn
something though this. The writing is intense, the writer, writes so well that
you would think it was a true story. The writing is very descriptive and it
turns into a movie in your head
Book Review by Nora C.
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