The title of my book is The Coldest Winter Ever written by
Sister Souljah. Sister Souljah’s written Midnight a gangster love story,
Midnight and the meaning of love, a deeper love inside, no disrespect. In the
coldest winter ever it talks about every child and family’s worst nightmare. It
talks about a loving devoted father and husband at his house with the two
youngest kids and the his wife having family quality time all of a sudden they
all look up because they hear a big loud sound it was the police raiding their
house. The book also talks about a family in jeopardy to stay together and to
be able to now live in the conditions of losing their home becoming very broke having
no type of income because the income that they did have it got tooken from
From the beginning to end I liked the book. This book tells
you about a rich family and the father being raided at his house. Sister Souljah
tells you about a family that ends up getting destroyed. Sister Souljah tells
you about this girl named winter and her dad Santiago. Winter ends up losing
her virginity to a boy she knows named bullet because it was her birthday.
The book starts off with winter and her family living in the
urban area and out of the ghetto. Winter on night goes out with some of her
friends. It was her and one of her other friends who is a girl and the other
two were boys. Winter picked all of them up in a new Mercedes Benz. They went
into the ghetto even though winter’s dad Santiago told her not to go over and
into the ghetto because he can’t protect her cause he isn’t there with her. Winter
and her friends ended up not going to the school party that they said they was
going to go to instead they decided to have a party of their own. They all went
to a hotel and they were drinking liquor play strip tease. After they got very
drunk and was a little into playing that game winter and her friend Bullet
ended up in their own hotel room. That night they ended up sleeping with each
other whiles her other two friends were in their own room and they slept with
each other too. After all of them were done sleeping with each other they made
a video. The next morning when winter finally got back home her mom had told
her that her father had gotten arrested.
I liked this book and I would recommend that everybody
should read this book because it was a really good book. People would really
like this book as much as I like this book to. Sister Souljah keeps you very
interested in what is going to happen next. So therefore everybody should go
and check out this book and read it.
Book Review by Lakayla M.