Wednesday, December 2, 2015

The Carrie Diaries

The Carrie Diaries ; Summer in the city by Candace Bushnell. Other related books are hard to say, it's inappropriate, but Candace wrote The Carrie Diaries the first book.The book is about Carrie Bradshaw and her teen/adult life. Ever since her mom passed away she only had her father , and her little sister Dorrit. As she was going through her mom's closet she found this handbag that belonged to her mother, her little sister Dorrit took the handbag and messed it up when Carrie found out she got furious, but next thing you know she splatter nail polish all over it. It was nice and dazzling, when the fashion designer Miranda saw her handbag she asked who designed it and how, when Carrie said it was hers……. Guess what happened Carrie got what she wanted her dream job as fashion designer.

Carrie Bradshaw a teenager living with her dad and little sister Dorrit in castleberry, including that she goes to a high school in castleberry with her three best friends Maggie, Mouse, and Walt. Next thing you know she has a job in New York as a fashion designer, her dream came true by being a fashion designer, but she lied about her age so she could get the job. Carrie has a boyfriend in high School named Sebastian, but she has a boyfriend in New York that she met at a party and his name is Bernard a famous writer and yet older. Read more to find out what's she's going through in New York and at home in castleberry.

I like the book, because it's her teen life and her life being an adult in New York, and besides that she's going through a hard time in New York… But I like how some people find out her age one by one. This book was written for Alyssa and Deidre probably because they were the same in this book or probably it's one of their goals to be like Carrie. I bet all you readers would like this book it's an amazing book! But before you read this book read The Carrie Diaries, not The Carrie Diaries : City in the summer. “Read this book before the sex and the city” said Candace Bushnell. If you're a person who like the 80’s read this book! Besides that there's a TV show of The Carrie diaries.

You should read this book, it's your choice.. I just recommend you to read this book because it's interesting and amazing and it explains how and why she became a fashion design and how he father accepts it or not, but when she lost her mom things started to change, and like I said if you like the 80’s and wants to go back to the 80’s to see what's it's like.. Read this book. It's truly amazing. 

Book Review by Shannon V.

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