Title of the book is, “Full metal Alchemist” the author name
is, “Hiromu Arakawa”. Fullmetal alchemist is base on manga books. The theme
about Fullmetal alchemist is more about a adventure,action book, they most get
into battles that use mystery magic in themselves. Another is that they are
metal when they were born, some of them were born differently with metal on the
body parts. Lastly, the book is interesting to read this book, and
includes tons of mystery going on the book.
The protagonist is Edward Elric, his brother Alphonse Elric.
These brothers are fighting among monsters like their kind but evil, but the
story conflict is more into getting like troubles. Fullmetal alchemist conflict
are taking more and more evil metal creature to fight off with martial art
fighting. This book if more on character vs character and takes in to the next
stage in character vs society.
Yes, I like this book “full metal alchemist”. Because on my
perspective I like actions,adventures,and mystery books, and it takes through a
lot of rising action to every book that has volumes. The book is is more likes
then dislikes cause the book is interesting to read and watch the animate. The
book was written for people that like actions is this book, the book was also
mention for more manga. And I am convicting you to read more books like this
because it's more into of drama also but taking at a city or state that they
are always traveling. On my opinion If you wanna read more actions,mystery this
will be the one to interest you into love manga.
Book Review by Hunter Y.
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