Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Wave

The book I am doing this book review on is called The Wave by Todd Strasser. This is the first book that I have read by this author. The book is about a history class that is learning about World War II. The Teacher, Ben Ross, fells like the class doesn’t fully understand why the Germans followed Hitler. So, Mr. Ross comes up with a class experiment called The Wave.
The Wave starts off as a classroom experienced that turned the entire school crazy. The Wave was supposed to show the students how you were supposed to be disciplined, help others in your community, and use your actions. The Wave’s motto was Strength Through Discipline, Strength Through Community, Strength Through Action. There many conflicts throughout the story concerning the leaders of The Wave. Couple, Laurie and David broke up because of The Wave after being together their entire high school experience. The Wave drives almost the entire class where The Wave began Apart.

I would recommend this book whose looking for a quick read. The book is filled with conflicts within the characters.  The book is short and easy to read. The book is exciting and after you get into it you be able to put it down!

Book Review by Jacob S.


  1. This book review is very while thought out and very well written. I agree with Jacob because in the book Mr. Ross shows a video on how the Holocaust victims were treated. He was explaining how the SS officers tried to persuade the jury in the Nuremberg trial that they were not guilty because they were forced and persuaded that the victims were the caused of the great depression. So he started a class experiment about, if they were right about not being able to stand up for the Holocaust victims. The experiment was supposed to help people get along, but it also caused fights and arguments. The Wave was not only in Mr. Ross's class, it had spread throughout the school. They way Ben Ross Stopped the horrible experiment was the same way he started it; with the video.

    1. This book review is very well written and very well thought out. I agree with Jacob, because I also could not put the book down. The reason why, is that it was interesting how the high school experiment went wrong. It was entertaining to read, because when Mr. Ross's class got out of control there was a lot of fighting, arguing, and action; and I just couldn't stop reading! I would recommend this book to people who like to read about life changing experiences or if they like to read about high school drama. Everyone should read this book at least once, because it shows how friends and couples fight and argue over one thing. And in the end it all works out.
