The Last Olympian by Rick Riordan
Rick Riordan has written a lot of books based on different
types of mythology such as The Son of Neptune and The Battle of the Labyrinth.
The last Olympian is about Camp Half Blood and their battle
against Cronus and his army of Greek monsters. This battle takes place in New
York City at the Empire State Building. The Empire State Building is the
current to get to Mt. Olympus.
I liked this book because it is based on Greek Mythology
which I very enjoy. This book epically is good because the battles were very
interesting and detailed. Also every character that was very strong had a very
easy weakness so that they went very overly strong. Also at the end of this
book the author made a sequel series with Roman Mythology.
I would suggest this book to anyone who has read the books
before this. If you had not read them the whole plot of the story would not
make much sense.
Book Review by Michael D.
Yes Michael, I agree with your book review because I also enjoy Greek Mythology and this book. This book can be very intense and epic especially during the battle between the Titans and Camp Half-Blood. I really liked it because it made me more educated in Greek Mythology and it was a good and interesting read. I would love to read this book again to get an even better understanding of the plot and other details. I suggest this book to anyone who likes fantasy books with lots of epic moments and a bit of a romantic twist.