Thursday, January 9, 2014


The Title of the book is Bzrk and the author is Michael Grant. The story takes place all over the world and is mainly about a war happening under our very own skin. Saddie, a teen that had just become an orphan, is… drafted by Bzrk an organization that uses biots to help them defeat the Armstrong twins and their organization of twitchers that use nanobots.

 Saddie a.k.a Plath and Noah a.k.a Keats have been recently drafted by Bzrk because of their families’ relationship to Bzrk. Plath’s dad created biots, tiny biological creatures that were created with DNA from scorpions, spiders, and humans. Keats brother, a former agent of Bzrk who was very talented at nano warfare, had done great work before going mad. Bzrk figured that if one brother had talent than the other brother would have talent too.

This book had a great and unique idea and a very good story line. However, I never got attached to the characters and never fully understood why the war started, besides that the Armstrong twins wanted to take over every mind in the world but I mean why? Also how the nanobots/ biots were ever created in the first place. I wouldn’t recommend this book as it has many boring and pointless parts of the book. It’s a pretty good book in the sci-fi part but Grant tried to add to many characters too soon.  

Book Review by David C.

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