Sakae Esuno’s “Mirai Nikki” (Future Diary) revolves around
Yukiteru Amano, a high school student who could be popular if he wasn’t so
introverted, always on his phone in class. He writes a daily diary on his
phone, never talking to anyone other than his “imaginary friends” Dues and
Murmur, basically going to his own little world inside his head. Dues then
exclaims that Yuki’s diary can now tell his future, which of course Yuki never
believes at first. Though the next day, the diary is already filled out with
events Yuki has not yet fulfilled. After performing these tasks, he finally
believes what Dues said to be true. This assigns him as the first diary holder,
which all the other diary holders call him “First”. The most popular and
gorgeous girl in his class, Yuno Gasai, approaches him, knowing about his future
telling diary, as she has one herself revolving all around Yuki’s future called
the “Yukiteru Diary”. Having this knowledge, he then realizes that she is the
second diary holder, and a stalker, having Yandere (A Japanese term for a
person who is initially very kind, loving, caring, and gentle to someone (or at
least innocent) they really, truly like and care about a lot before their
purely intense romantic love, admiration, and devotion becomes mentally
destructive in nature, often through overprotectiveness, violence or brutality)
tendencies. Once again, Yuki goes into Dues’ world, and learns that these
“future diaries” hold the key as to who will be the next God, since Dues is
eroding away as the time goes by. The last diary holder standing wins, and becomes
God. Another diary user then comes after Yuki, trying to kill him, his diary
being the “Murder Diary”, telling him where all his victims run to so he can
close off their escape routes and kill them. But with the help of Yuno’s
“Yukiteru Diary”, they lead him to his own untimely death, stabbing through his
phone with a dart. Since all of their phones are connected to their diaries, it
also has a connection to the diary holder’s life. If the phone or diary is
destroyed, the owner dies along with it. As the story progresses, Yuki’s mother
is killed by his father on accident, and his father is killed by con men who
tricked him into trying to destroy Yuki’s diary to pay off debts, whom his
ex-wife left him for. After seeing his parents’ corpses, Yuno tells him that if
he becomes God, he can resurrect his parents in a new world. He agrees and
helps Yuno kill all the other diary holders, including a boy named Akise Aru who
is later involved in the game, and is the 9th diary holder,
receiving the “Detective Diary” from the 8th diary holder. He is
later decapitated by Yuno when he kisses Yuki, who she’s obviously madly in
love with. At the end of the story, Yuki finds out that Yuno was the 2nd
world’s god, and they were in the 3rd world. She won the last game, but
decided to commit a double suicide with 1st world’s Yuki. But she
ended up throwing up her pills, and woke after Yuki had already died. She
decided to start anew with Yuki, starting a new world and new game with him
involved. Yuno sacrifices herself, and Yuki becomes God. He then realizes that
he can’t bring people back from the dead, not his friends or family, and not
Yuno, who he fell in love with. Struck with grief, he refuses to create a new
Since the light novel and manga were so popular, an anime
adaption was created, and became extremely popular throughout Japan and
America. An English dub was recently created in 2013, and the anime itself was
made in 2011.
Book Review by Laura D.
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