Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The WEREling

The WEREling is Authored by Steve Feasey the book is about a boy who discovers he is a werewolf. The main character a boy named Trey was put in a orphanage after his parents died one he woke up in agony-retina-splitting, vomit-inducing agony, and his room being trashed, and his clothes torn. He couldn't remember what he did each time he tried to remember did his head would hurt, and on that day a person named Lucien claimed to be his father friend came to take him, and his daughter Alexa and butler Tom helped Trey get adjusted to his new life and to face a psychopathic vampire that wants to destroy the world.

I really liked the book there was a lot action and exciting twists to it, this book is intended for people who like action, and drama I believe most readers would like it I think people should read this book there is a series if you can't get enough of it.

Book Review by Kester W.

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