Friday, December 1, 2017

The Hate U Give

I think people should read The Hate You Give because it says a lot about the police over using their power. Like how in this generation or the past how people are getting judged off race and how wealthy they are. In this story it's about a girl who has a friend named Khalil and he gets shot unarmed . The people believe that Khalil was a drug dealer basically because of his skin color and some think it's ok to take a drug dealers life . But star knows him and Khalil did nothing wrong.

Star is trying to get justice for her friend Khalil because he died for no reason basically.the media is saying that Khalil was a drug dealer or people are assuming he was a drug dealer cause of the things he wore or his skin color . They also labeled him as a drug dealer cause of maybe the neighborhood he came from where there were a lot of gangs . Star is also dating a white boy so her family kinds isn't approving because a white cop and white people are what label them as drug dealers or gang bangers or something not good because of where they come is talkin around the media to get that justice

Star is trying her hardest to get justice for Khalil and her whole community where she lives and grew up. Her dads friends and family are helping star build up her confidence to speak out because her voice is her “weapon “ against the police and all that believe Khalil did resist or not obey what the officer was saying to them that night.

Book Review by Ashieoniay C-W.

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